during the time of
Our unwavering commitment to patients
The coronavirus outbreak had impacted every business worldwide, and the pharmaceutical industry was no exception. As a leading global pharmaceutical company, Glenmark remained committed to fulfilling its responsibility towards patients worldwide.
Despite the unforeseen challenges that we met with during the period, Glenmark had ensured no breaks to our medicine supply chain – both in India and the world. Our employees at the manufacturing sites were dedicatedly working on a rotational basis to continue production of our essential medicines and products, while those in our offices and R&D centres were working from home ensuring smooth backend business processes continued to meet patient needs.
Expressing gratitude to those working on the frontlines

Support and appreciation for 50,000 law enforcement personnel across 12 Indian cities
Glenmark Foundation partnered with NGO RISE Infinity Foundation to provide Candid dusting powder to 50,000 police personnel in 12 cities, across India. Police authorities were working tirelessly on the frontlines of the pandemic often had to pull off long shifts, and the heat and humidity of summer months added to the challenges. The powder reduced the chance of fungal infections and kept common skin issues such as itching and irritation at bay. The RISE Infinity Foundation coordinated delivery of the powder through its network of partners, local NGOs and volunteers.
Feed the frontline: a community outreach movement by The Philippines team
Glenmark’s team in The Philippines had pledged a whole week’s worth of food aid to frontline workers in some of the leading hospitals across Manila. This region was chosen as the focus of outreach efforts because it had been the most affected by the coronavirus.

Provision of much needed face shields and sanitizers
in Myanmar’s most impacted city
Glenmark also distributed face shields and hand sanitizers to 3,000 healthcare professionals in major hospitals in Yangon, which was the city most affected by the pandemic in Myanmar. The city had also recorded the highest number of patients during the peak pandemic period.
Supply of much-in-demand PPE for the medical staff
in Maharashtra
In India, Glenmark Foundation – the CSR arm of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals – had committed to provide “Personal Protective Equipment” or PPE to medical staff in the public health sector in Maharashtra. PPE included N95 medical masks and gowns, gloves, eye and head protection gear, sanitizers, etc., all of which were in high demand for health workers. This intervention was of great significance, since the state of Maharashtra had recorded the highest number of coronavirus cases in India.
Glenmark Ukraine supported the National State ENT Institute by donating funds for PPE purchase. These funds helped in preventing the spread, localization and elimination of the coronavirus pandemic.

Health and medical check-ups for local law enforcement
in Gujarat
In acknowledgement of the contribution of law enforcement agencies during this unprecedented time, Glenmark conducted health and medical check-ups for 400+ local law enforcement personnel in Ankleshwar, Gujarat, India. We also provided masks and hand sanitizers to all officers present for check-ups.
Supporting various Government efforts
Glenmark was working closely with national and state government authorities and related organizations to identify and support the evolving needs of society during the pandemic. We contributed to the PM CARES and the CM Funds of Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Sikkim and Goa in India.
In the state of Himachal Pradesh, Glenmark provided on-ground support to the Government’s health system by associating with an NGO partner, Institute for Global Development (IGD), we were working directly with the State’s Block Medical Officer (BMO) to provide essential maternal and child healthcare services to high risk cases in the region.
In the United States, Glenmark provided financial support for food service program in two federal government schools in New Jersey. The Monroe Woodbury School and the Passaic school district in were both located in Covid-19 affected zones. There were a lot of children for whom access to school lunches was cut off due to school closures. The food program running at this crucial time benefited both the mental and physical wellbeing of the local children, by ensuring continued access to school-provided meals.
Critical support to vulnerable groups in society
Giving back to the community has always been a Glenmark’s priority. In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, we strengthened our community efforts to address pressing challenges faced by our most vulnerable populations: pregnant and lactating women, undernourished children, and migrants and daily wagers.

Supporting old age homes, orphanages, and underserved families
The Glenmark team in Goa had identified and extended support to elderly in Karunalaya and Sant Gadge Maharaj Ashram, a old age homes in Pirna and Bicholim, India, and to children in ASRO Orphanage.
They also reached out to underserved families in Guirim, Goa, and distributed food baskets with essential grocery items such as rice, pulses, flour, oil, and biscuits. As these groups do not have family support to rely on during the health crisis, the Goa team outreach made a meaningful impact in the community.
Providing essentials to migrants in Maharashtra through The Jeevan Rath Collaborative
More than fifty public and private organizations in Maharashtra, including Glenmark Foundation, came together to address the urgent food and health needs of migrants amidst the coronavirus pandemic. Essentials included food, water and sanitary napkins.
Glenmark was also part of a group of technical and regulatory bodies, alongside the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board and UNICEF, which trained more than 1,000 Sanitary Inspectors and a few Deputy Municipal Commissioners from 27 Municipal Corporations and 131 Urban Local Bodies on issues critical to controlling the pandemic such as risk communication, infection prevention and control, environmental sanitation and hygiene and waste management.

Over 5 million meals for vulnerable and at-risk communities in India
Glenmark provided 5 million meals to undernourished children, pregnant women, and daily wage earners amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. This intervention was of great significance, as these groups were identified as vulnerable populations and lack the resources to fight a serious infectious disease like Covid-19.
Strengthening women and child healthcare efforts
Women and child healthcare has always been a focus area for Glenmark’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts. We recognize that women who fall under the ‘high risk pregnancy’ bracket and undernourished children are more susceptible to infections such as Covid-19.
Along with our NGO partners, Glenmark Foundation provided psychological support to 10,000 lactating mothers and pregnant women through tele-counselling. Additionally, we undertook vaccination, attended to women undergoing antennal care (ANC), and postnatal care (PNC), and provided health support to children and other patients.
Glenmark Foundation, with its NGO partner Spandan Samaj Seva Samiti, distributed essential food baskets to 2,500 undernourished children and 500 pregnant women in 70 tribal villages of Madhya Pradesh, India. Beneficiaries received essential goods such as rice, pulses, edible oil and soap for a period of two months through this outreach.

Food aid for migrant and daily wage workers
The migrant population and daily wage earners are amongst the most vulnerable populations in India during this pandemic. The Glenmark Indore team has teamed up with local administration to provide 10,000 meals for daily wage earners in Indore, in the state of Himachal Pradesh.
Similarly, the Glenmark team in Himachal Pradesh has pledged support for 5000 migrant workers including their families, and is providing them essential food grains through the local administration.
Another key intervention is support to underserved tribal populations on the outskirts of Mumbai. Most of the men and women from villages around Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP), Mumbai are tribals, and rely solely on skilled areas such as handicrafts, gardening, cooking and so on to earn their livelihood. The current crisis has taken away their source of income leaving them vulnerable to hunger and exploitation. Glenmark is extending support to these vulnerable communities by ensuring adequate monthly supply of food grains to 10 tribal hamlets in the region.
Glenmark also provided over 1500 migrant workers with food packets and water in Goa before their boarded their special trains and headed home.
Embracing technology to expand access to healthcare

Icall - a socio-psychological helpline, for cancer patients and their caregivers in India
Glenmark Foundation, in partnership with Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) initiated iCALL services for cancer patients and their caregivers in India to ensure their psychosocial wellbeing during the Covid-19 pandemic.
iCALL was a technology assisted counselling helpline which provides services over telephone, email and chat. It addressed the psychosocial needs of people in distress, in a gender sensitive manner. It catered to individuals across all age groups (with a special emphasis on vulnerable groups such as children, adolescents, women and elderly). The helpline provided information, emotional support, psychotherapy and referral linkages. It was managed by trained counsellors who had a basic educational background in psychology. These counsellors actively and supportively listened to individual’s disclosures of emotional distress.
This was a professionally-run, confidential and anonymous service. In addition to English, the services were available in several Indian regional languages like Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Konkani and Gujarati making the counselling process comfortable for clients.
Telemedicine for 200,000 people in 69 villages of
Solan District, Himachal Pradesh
The Indian government had approved telemedicine as an effective means of reaching vulnerable populations during the pandemic, to provide timely care while still ensuring social distancing. Glenmark Foundation had mobilized a battery of medical doctors with various specialisations who committed support for the on-call service. This intervention targeted to benefit 200,000 people in 69 villages of Solan District, Himachal Pradesh. This intervention then extended to Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.

Telehealth solution for 15 villages covering 37,000 people of Gujarat
Glenmark Foundation launched a telehealth solution, with NGO partner Institute for Global Development (IGD), that followed the guidelines framed by governors of the Medical Council of India (MCI) and NITI Aayog. The remote health offering was expected to help expand access to quality patient care, especially to underserved populations that needed it the most in the times of crisis.
Support to non-government organizations (NGOs) in Russia, US, Germany and UK
For over a decade, Glenmark Russia has been supporting children from the Lukhtonovo orphanage in the Vladimir region. The team has consistently tried to make a difference in improving the living conditions at the orphanage through financial support for regular repair and maintenance work, provision of household essentials, clothes etc. Continuing this support to the orphanage, Glenmark Russia successfully arranged for delivery of USD 700 worth of disinfectants and sanitizing items, which were in high demand in the region during the pandemic. The team had donated essentials such as rubber gloves, liquid disinfectants for washing multi-surfaces and soap, toilet paper and sanitary items.
Glenmark had also provided financial support to the Center for Food Action in the US The Center for Food Action (CFA) is a non-profit organization that provides emergency services to northern New Jersey’s poorest and most vulnerable residents. Donations from local businesses and communities allowed the Center for Food Action to “nourish those in need throughout northern New Jersey; keep bellies full and the lights on for our neighbors in crisis” said Patricia Espy, CFA Executive Director.
Glenmark supports the regional project ‘Help the Helpers’, a project by the City of Munich in Germany. It supported people on the front line of the Covid-19 pandemic – in hospitals, rescue services, old age and nursing homes and other social organizations. Glenmark’s financial donation helped the Corona Station of the Hospital Großhadern as part of this project. The donations maintained the working capacity of employees, and to purchase new work shoes for the entire health team, as the existing shoes were discarded for hygiene reasons. Part of the donation was also used to buy food, coffee, and refreshments for the nursing staff.
The Covid-19 outbreak had increased the rates of homeless around the world, leaving thousands of communities vulnerable. Glenmark’s UK team pledged support to these underprivileged communities, through financial aid to the Herts Young Homeless (hyh) charity in Hertfordshire, England. The charity focused on homelessness prevention – from school education and family mediation through to supporting 16-24 year olds in their first homes or caring for adults of all ages with mental health issues and housing needs. With Glenmark’s donation, hyh was able to increase supplies of essential items such as food, nappies and medicine, making a real impact and difference to local, vulnerable young people affected by the health crisis. Further, recognizing the invaluable efforts of frontline healthcare workers, Glenmark UK donated daily fruit boxes to Watford General Hospital, to provide a quick and easy source of nutrition for those fighting the pandemic.