Child Health Healthy children, Healthier World
Glenmark Foundation, the CSR arm of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, is committed to improving child health and reducing infant and child mortality. With our overarching theme of ‘Healthier Children, Healthier World’, we have developed a comprehensive 360° child health strategy. Through our flagship initiative, Project Kavach, we are making tangible progress towards realizing our vision.
Project Kavach focuses on maternal and child health interventions in several states of India, including Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Maharashtra. Our initiatives focus on promoting positive health-seeking behaviors among pregnant and lactating women, raising awareness about proper nutrition and hygiene practises, and ensuring access to essential healthcare services.
Along with our NGO partner, Society for Integrated Development Activities, Research & Training (SIDART), in Rajasthan, we aim at addressing child health issues through our interventions, which include training and capacity building of front line workers and care-givers, counselling and monitoring during home visits; health camps and, reinforcement through street plays and school rallies. Interventions like Coloured Beads and Immunization Calendars have helped reduce malnutrition and increased immunization awareness and have proved to be extremely successful in infusing healthy behaviour. Through our various interventions on sanitation we have reached out to over 81,000 people directly and another 15,000 persons indirectly.
People touched through our initiatives on child health
Children reached out through various nutrition, sanitation and immunisation programs
Malnourished children brought to healthy status
Pregnant and lactating women reached
In collaboration with our NGO partner, Spandan Samaj Seva Samiti, we continue to address the nutrition, immunization and sanitation needs of over 150 remote tribal villages of the Khalwa Block in Khandwa district of Madhya Pradesh. The Ambulatory Service has been very helpful to bridge the gap between the available medical infrastructure and the villagers. Model Anganwadis and Community Crèches have been able to ensure supplementary nutrition and regular immunization of children.
Malnourished children recovered through the community based management program
Role model angarwadis created that offer a secure environment to 3500 children
Families’ health improved through the backyard nutrition garden that provided accessible nutrition
People reached through our child health initiatives
Children reached out through various nutrition, sanitation and immunisation programs
Pregnant and lactating women reached
People benefitted from 80 health camps
Reaching out to over 1,50,000 people, the key objective of this project is to improve the infant and child health among the rural population by educating mothers, care givers and adolescent girls on various aspects of Maternal & Reproductive Child Health Issues (MCH & RCH). Our NGO partner, Institute for Global Development has been helping us to make a considerable difference in people’s lives in the Nalagarh block through our interventions like group meetings, couple counselling, specialized workshops, health camps, community sessions and awareness events.
People reached through our child health initiatives
Children reached out through various nutrition, sanitation and immunisation programs
Directed benefited through our sanitation campaign
Pregnant women, Lactating women and mothers of children aged between 3-5 years sensitised on health
Village Health Nutrition Day (VHND) programs organized in our supported villages
Adolscent girls educated on reproductive health and nutrition
In association with our NGO partner, Niramaya Health Foundation, we are addressing issues of child health in the slums of Andheri East. Some of our interventions include health check-up camps, home visits, and the Peer Educator Program, and through our health workers, who conduct home visits to educate the community women on issues such as malnutrition, poor sanitation, anemia and antenatal care.
Community peer leaders trained on maternal and child mental care
Children between 0-5 years reached out to, through to intervention for malnutrition
Children reached out through various nutrition, sanitation and immunisation programs
Readers from 82 health libraries benefited through the booklets on health related issues
Pregnant and lactating women reached
In the slums of Kibera in Nairobi, a need assessment done indicated high micro-nutrient malnutrition. To combat this issue, we started ‘The Lishe Bora Mtaani’ in collaboration with our NGO Partner, Carolina for Kibera and the Health Department. We conduct sensitization workshops for pregnant women and mothers, counselling on issues like pregnancy care, nutrition during breast feeding and hygiene and sanitation.
Households visited for screening and education on hygiene and nutrition
Malnourished children brought to health status
Families reached during health sessions
Children from de-worming and also received Vitamin A supplements and micronutrients
Pregnant and lactating women reached
Complications during pregnancy and child birth can be avoided if the right preventive healthcare information is given to expectant and new mothers. As government hospitals find it challenging to address the huge demand of counselling for the appropriate behavioral change; we have launched mMitra, a free mobile based Health Advisory Voice Messaging Service for pregnant women and mothers along with NGO partner, Armaan and Lokmanya Tilak Municipal General Hospital (Sion Hospital), Mumbai. The voice messages are medically verified and individualized voice messages of 60-90 seconds in the local language are sent directly to the mobile phones of the enrolled women.
Less privileged women have benefitted from mMitra
Making a difference to rural lives in over 165 villages Sanganer, Rajasthan
Along with our NGO partner, Society for Integrated Development Activities, Research & Training (SIDART), in Rajasthan, we aim at addressing child health issues through our interventions, which include training and capacity building of front line workers and care-givers, counselling and monitoring during home visits; health camps and, reinforcement through street plays and school rallies. Interventions like Coloured Beads and Immunization Calendars have helped reduce malnutrition and increased immunization awareness and have proved to be extremely successful in infusing healthy behaviour. Through our various interventions on sanitation we have reached out to over 81,000 people directly and another 15,000 persons indirectly.
People touched through our initiatives on child health
Children reached out through various nutrition, sanitation and immunisation programs
Malnourished children brought to healthy status
Pregnant and lactating women reached
Enriching lives in over 150 remote tribal villages Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh
In collaboration with our NGO partner, Spandan Samaj Seva Samiti, we continue to address the nutrition, immunization and sanitation needs of over 150 remote tribal villages of the Khalwa Block in Khandwa district of Madhya Pradesh. The Ambulatory Service has been very helpful to bridge the gap between the available medical infrastructure and the villagers. Model Anganwadis and Community Crèches have been able to ensure supplementary nutrition and regular immunization of children.
Malnourished children recovered through the community based management program
Role model angarwadis created that offer a secure environment to 3500 children
Families’ health improved through the backyard nutrition garden that provided accessible nutrition
People reached through our child health initiatives
Reaching out to over 150,000 rural lives in Solan, Himachal Pradesh
People reached through our child health initiatives
Children reached out through various nutrition, sanitation and immunisation programs
Directed benefited through our sanitation campaign
Pregnant women, Lactating women and mothers of children aged between 3-5 years sensitised on health12
Village Health Nutrition Day (VHND) programs organized in our supported villages
Adolscent girls educated on reproductive health and nutrition Healthy interventions in urban slums, Mumbai, Maharashtra
In association with our NGO partner, Niramaya Health Foundation, we are addressing issues of child health in the slums of Andheri East. Some of our interventions include health check-up camps, home visits, and the Peer Educator Program, and through our health workers, who conduct home visits to educate the community women on issues such as malnutrition, poor sanitation, anemia and antenatal care.
Community peer leaders trained on maternal and child mental care
Children between 0-5 years reached out to, through to intervention for malnutrition
Children reached out through various nutrition, sanitation and immunisation programs
Readers from 82 health libraries benefited through the booklets on health related issues
Pregnant and lactating women reached
Positively impacting over 10,700 households in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya
In the slums of Kibera in Nairobi, a need assessment done indicated high micro-nutrient malnutrition. To combat this issue, we started ‘The Lishe Bora Mtaani’ in collaboration with our NGO Partner, Carolina for Kibera and the Health Department. We conduct sensitization workshops for pregnant women and mothers, counselling on issues like pregnancy care, nutrition during breast feeding and hygiene and sanitation.
Households visited for screening and education on hygiene and nutrition
Malnourished children brought to health status
Families reached during health sessions
Children from de-worming and also received Vitamin A supplements and micronutrients
Pregnant and lactating women reached